Gea & Tax Firm Italy

GeA e Tax Firm Italy

Our firm has faced its challenges in global legal advice, by strengthening year after year its network of national and international contacts, in law firms across the globe. Thus, the TaxFirm alliance was born, with the purpose of giving the best legal services by focusing on the different areas, not only internationally, but also within each country. TaxFirm imposes itself as a connection between tax law firms and tax litigation firms, all independent from each other and operating on exceeding on a professional and personal level.
TaxFirm currently oversees North-Central Italy through Giontella e Associati and South-Central Italy via Elefante and Associates. The founders and team of experts of the aforementioned firms have a common trait: the sharing of ethical principles and professional accuracy, made with years of working together in the same law firm. TaxFirm did not stop in the Italian market but, through their contacts established at Arthur Andersen and Deloitte, both nationally and internationally, have managed to create a network capable of meeting any client demands in each continent. This is down to the duplication of Arthur Andersen and Deloitte experts’ network, which recreated independent clusters in various corners of the planet, and all rigorously developed under the same school that has made history, especially in terms of quality, among tax firms worldwide.

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